I managed social media for Tiffany Kumar's campaign for Ithaca Common Council to get out the vote, while also working on volunteer coordination. 
In the week leading up to the election, a series of viral tweets received over 100,000 impressions — in an election only with only 100 voters.

I served as communications director for Vanessa for Congress, including responding to major rapid response moments, before the campaign had to come to an early end. 
I managed the social media presence of 350.org's US team for from January 2021-March 2022, including planning narrative and design for long-term campaigns and responding to current events. 
As an undergraduate student, I bottom-lined the communications and media for the successful fossil fuel divestment campaign. 

I also developed a branding and style guide for Climate Justice Cornell alongside a collaborator. Click here to view the full guide.
As a member of the Ithaca Tenants Union, I've contributed graphics to our campaign to win tenants the right to renew leases. 

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